
E35M-I Deluxe je točno onakva ploča kakvu si zamišljamo kao idealnu za jedan HTPC. Ima sve, mnoštvo opreme, podršku za najnovije tehnologije, sasvim solidne performanse za svakodnevne multimedijalne zadaće, te i dalje vrlo nisku potrošnju električne energije. Nema sumnje kako je AMD sa ovom Fusion platformom napravio vrlo dobar posao. Asus je uzeo tu osnovnu platformu i oplemenio ju najbolje što zna. Od EFI-a, USB3.0 i SATA/eSATA 6Gbps podrške preko integrirane WiFi mreže po 802.11n standardu do integriranog Bluetootha koji osigurava povezivost s pametnim telefonima, prijenosnicima i sličnim uređajima. I kao da već ionako solidne performanse E-350 APU-a nisu bile dovoljne, Asus odlazi korak dalje i čak omogućuje overclocking. Potencijal nije nešto za čime će poluditi overclockeri, no ubrzanje cijelog sistema za oko 10% nije za odbaciti ukoliko imate povećane zahtjeve u svakodnevnom radu. Vidjeli smo i kako su nešto stariji naslovi igrivi u 720p rezoluciji, a u svemu tome potrošnja ne prelazi 45W ili par Watta više prilikom overclockinga. Rashladni je sistem dobro riješen i problema s pregrijavanjem ne bi smjelo biti ni u kućištima s manje prostora, a ukoliko poželite overclockirati savjetujemo barem jedan ventilator koji će tjerati zrak kroz to kućište. Sve ovo na kraju ipak ima svoju cijenu, koja u Asusovom slučaju ne može biti mala. U hrvatskim je dućanima informatičke robe još uvijek nedostupna, a u njemačkim joj se cijena kreće između 140 i 160 €. Nije malo jer se najjeftiniji primjerci E-350 Fusion ploča kreću oko 110 €, no nadoplata od 40 € se čini sasvim razumna kada pogledamo što sve ova ploča nudi.



E35M-I Deluxe is exactly the sort of system that you imagine as the ideal for an HTPC. It has everything, a lot of equipment, support for the latest technology, very solid performance for everyday multimedia tasks and very low power consumption. There is no doubt that AMD did a great job with this E-350 Fusion platform. Asus has taken the basic platform and refined it further. From the EFI-A, USB3.0 and SATA/eSATA 6Gbps support to an integrated Wi-Fi 802.11n standard and the integrated Bluetooth connectivity that ensures smart phones, laptops and similar devices – this board has it all. As if the already solid performance E-350 APU weren`t enough, Asus goes one step further and even allows overclocking. Potential is not something that will madden the overclockers, but the acceleration of the entire system for about 10% is great for consumers with increased demands in their daily work. We also saw that some older titles are very playable in 720p resolution, and in all this power consumption does not exceed 45W (or a couple more watts while overclocking). Cooling system is very good, and there shouldn`t be any problems with overheating even in cases with less space. But, if you want to overclock we would recommend at least one fan to propel air through the case. All of this of course has its price, which in the Asus case can`t be small. Board is still not available in Croatian IT stores, but in German it is price ranges between 140 and 160 €. Not cheap, because the cheapest E-350 Fusion Boards are around 110 €, but paying the additional 40 € seems quite reasonable when you look at what this board offers.