
Testirali smo matične ploče jednih od vodećih konkurenata na tržištu. Radi
se o Asusu i Gigabyteu, te o njihovim pločama namijenjenim za prvenstveno Clarkdale
procesore, pošto dolaze sa H55, odnosno H57 čipsetima. Odlike testiranih ploča
jest to što su brze, hladne i stabilne i to prvenstveno zahvaljujući odličnom
čipsetu. Ovakve ploče su lakše i jeftinije za napraviti od P55 ili X58 matičnih
ploča, no sama cijena H55/H57 čipa je u razini, ili nešto viša od one za P55.

Iako na prvi pogled izgleda pomalo neugledno bez svih "điđa" po sebi
i masivnih hladnjaka, moramo priznati kako nas je Gigabyte sa svojim H55-UD3H
modelom ugodno iznenadio po pitanju performansi. Pošto trenutno nema mnogo full
ATX ploča za ovaj čipset ("u modi je" te proizvođači forsiraju mATX
format i HTPC priču), ova po pitanju cijene dođe tek 150kn više od najjeftinijeg
mATX modela, što je rekli bi smo vrlo dobra cijena za ono što nudi. Kao minuse
jedino što možemo navesti jest neke sitnije greške oko postavljenih utora na
ploči i to je više manje to. Overclocking je također pozitivna strana ove ploče,
tako da je odlično izdržavala torturu bilo Lynnfield ili Clarkdale procesora.
Po pitanju BIOS-a se ne treba sramiti; tek neke opcije su nešto skresane spram
ostalih jačih modela iz P55 serije (npr P55A-UD4P).

S druge strane Asus je koristio H57 čipset za svoj P7H57D-V EVO model, a po
pitanju cijene je nekih 600-tinjak skuplja od testirane Gigabyteice, tako da
ne bi bilo pošteno stavljati ove dvije ploče u direktnu usporedbu po pitanju
mogućnosti. Da bi opravdao cijenu Asus se svakako potrudio napraviti ovu ploču
privlačnom u svakom pogledu te ju je nakrcao raznim značajkama kao što su podrške
za nove standarde, ali i način na koji su dotični implementirani. Overclocking
joj također nije stran, a po pitanju frekvencije (750), i po pitanju base clocka
(530) bila je i nešto jača od konkurentice, što i ne čudi uzevši u obzir opremljenost
ploče po pitanju naponske jedinice i ostalih sitnica.

Sve u svemu obje ploče zaslužuju preporuku, ali s par rezervi. Asusica po ovoj
cijeni ne predstavlja povoljnu kupnju, osim ako ne želite koristiti multi-GPU
konfiguraciju, a i pri tome je upitna isplativost pošto ćete vjerojatno u tom
slučaju ići na jače Lynnfield modele, a pri tome već možete ići na P55 čipset
i širu lepezu povoljnijih ploča. S druge strane slično vrijedi i za Gigabyteicu;
ako ne mislite koristi Clarkdale procesore, za novce po kojoj se ova ploča prodaje
bilo bi bolje ići na jeftinije te nešto opremljenije P55 modele po sličnim cijenama.


Today, we tested motherboards from the leading competitors in the market.
We are talking about Asus and Gigabyte, and their boards intended primarily
for Clarkdale processors. Both boards are fast, cool and stable primarily due
to excellent chipset. These boards are easier and cheaper to make than P55 or
X58 motherboard, but price of H55/H57 chip alone is at the same level, or even
higher with P55.

Although at first glance looks a bit plain without all the extra features and
massive refrigerators, we must admit that we were pleasantly surprised in terms
of performance with Gigabyte`s H55-UD3H. Since currently there are not many
full ATX board for this chipset (in fashion with manufacturers forcing HTPC
and mATX format and story), this comes at the price came at just 20 € above
the cheapest mATX model, which is a good price for what it offers. As a minus
only thing we can state is of minor layout lacks and that is more or less all.
Overclocking capabilities are great, and it endured a great torture with both
Lynnfield and Clarkdale processors. BIOS features are also great, a just a few
options are lacking in comparison with some P55 series boards (for ex. P55A-UD4P).

On the other hand, Asus has used a more pricy H57 chipset for their P7H57D
EVO-V model. To take it out in the open right away, it is some 90 €, more expensive
than tested Gigabyte model, so direct comparison in terms of features and extra
options is out of the question. To justify the high price, Asus has certainly
made an effort to make this board appealing in every way. It is loaded with
various features such as support for new USB3.0 and SATA III standards, SLI
support alongside with CrossFireX, etc. It also brings new ways in implementing
new standards (PLX PCI-E Bridge). Overclocking capabilities are also great,
and both in terms of frequency (i5 750), and base clock (i3 530) was slightly
stronger than the rivals. That definitely is not surprising considering the
strong power unit of the board.

All in all, both boards deserve a recommendation, but with few reserves. P7H57D-V
EVO at its price is not a favorable purchase, unless you want to use multi-GPU
configurations, and new USB3.0 and SATA III techs. Even then it is a questionable
buy, because you can probably get all this with the P55 board, plus you can
go for the Lynnfield CPU. Same goes for the Gigabyte model if you do not think
of using Clarkdale CPU. At its price you can also go for the similarly equipped
P55 board.