
Kako sada stvari stoje, HD7770 će s lakoćom u narednim mjesecima/kvartalima skinuti s trona do sada najprodavaniji DX11 model – HD5770. Kartica donosi solidan nivo performansi, uz minimalnu potrošnju električne energije. OC potencijal je kao što smo vidjeli vrlo dobar, baš kao i porast performansi. Jedini problem je taj što je HD6850 još uvijek dostupna na tržištu i što je u prosjeku jeftinija. HD6850 i HD7770 se u pojedinim naslovima izmjenjuju u vodstvu, no zaključak je da su podjednake. Proizvodnja HD6850 će naravno biti ugašena čim na tržište (ožujak/travanj) stignu HD78xx modeli, no do tada je ona ipak bolja kupovina od HD7770. Osim ako niste zagriženi ekolog i potrošnja energije vam je velika briga. U odnosu na HD6790 je porast performansi vrlo dobar i kupnja je definitivno isplativa.

Što se Asusovog Top DirectCU modela tiče, možemo zaključiti kako su kao i uvijek odradili odličan posao. Kartica je kvalitetna, hlađenje vrlo dobro, a buka minimalna. Tvornički je solidno overclockirana pa je i razina performansi out-of-the-box odlična. Bundle bi mogao biti i bolji, no ovo je ipak niži tržišni segment pa ne treba očekivati čuda. U Hrvatskim je dućanima još nema, a ni vani nismo našli ovaj TOP model. Obični DirectCU koji radi na 1020MHz u SAD-u košta obećanih 159 USD, a u Njemačkoj između 150 i 160 €. Pretpostavljamo kako bi ovaj TOP model mogao koštati 10 € više, što ne bi bilo previše za razliku u performansama koju donosi. Našu preporuku u svakom slučaju ima.


From what we have seen today, the HD7770 will in coming months/quarters easily overtake the most sold DX11 card to the date – the HD5770. The card delivers a solid level of performance with minimal power consumption. OC potential is very good, as well as the increase in performance. The only problem is that the HD6850 is still available on the market and it is cheaper on average. We have seen from benchmarks that the HD6850 and HD7770 have the same level of performance. AMD will of course end the production of HD6850 as soon as the HD78xx models arrive (March/April), but until then it is still a better buy, unless you are an avid environmentalist and high energy consumption represents a big problem to you. In relation to the HD6790, HD7770 brings a very good performance increase and upgrade is definitely profitable.

Asus`s DirectCU TOP model is a great product, and they did a great job. The card has a good build quality, very good cooling solution that produces the minimum of noise. It is factory overclocked to 1120MHz and has a solid level of performance directly out-of-the-box. Bundle could be better, but as this is a lower market segment, miracles should not be expected. We couldn`t find this DirectCU TOP model in Croatian, but also in USA, or German stores. Normal DirectCU model running at 1020MHz is sold for promised 159 USD in the U.S., and in Germany for around 150 and 160 €. We assume that this TOP model could cost around 10 € more, which wouldn’t be too much for the difference in performance that it brings.