Radeon X1950 XTX (ili CrossFire, s obzirom da obje verzije imaju jednak takt) unatoč našim očekivanjima nije uspio oteti krunu performansi GeForceu 7950 GX2. Premda u nekim testovima Radeon uspijeva nadjačati GeForce, u globalu 7950 GX2 pruža bolje performanse što je posebno izraženo u OpenGL igrama te pri korištenju Transparency AA algoritama odnosno Adaptive AA algoritama. S druge strane, ako je riječ o kvaliteti slike, ATI je u definitivnoj prednosti s obzirom da nudi invarijantni AF filter te mogućnost korištenja anti-aliasinga u kombinaciji s HDR-om.

Premda novi Radeon nismo uspjeli sami overclockati, sudeći prema rezultatima koje je moguće pronaći diljem Interneta situacija nije baš bajna. Potpuno suprotno iskustvo smo imali pri testiranju GeForcea GX2, što će reći da NVIDIA-ina kartica u pogledu performansi entuzijastima može ponuditi mnogo više od Radeona X1950.

Uporaba novog tipa memorije i optimizacije samog čipa dovele su do smanjenja potrošnje u odnosu na prethodnu seriju kartica, a korak naprijed je i korištenje novog tipa referentnog hladnjaka. Ipak, premda je novi hladnjak bolji od referentnog rješenja na Radeonima X1900, i dalje je pri opterećenju bučniji od referentnog hladnjaka na GeForceu 7950 GX2, posebno imamo na umu da brzina hladnjaka dosta oscilira zavisno o opterećenju (više kompleksne i manje kompleksne scene u igrama).

Zadnja, ali ne i najmanje važna komponenta pri ocjenjivanju nove ATI-jeve kartice je svakako cijena. Prema cjeniku Overclockers UK online trgovine, obje verzije Radeona X1950 (XTX i CrossFire) koštat će oko 330 engleskih funti (maloprodajna cijena s PDV-om), dok GeForce 7950 GX2 trenutno košta oko 370 funti. U kombinaciji s boljom kvalitetom slike i solidnim performansama (u usporedbi s GX2) te relativno niskom cijenom za high-end segment tržišta, novi Radeoni će vjerojatno naći svoje mjesto u računalima mnogih entuzijasta koji žele uživati aktualnim 3D naslovima. Doduše, treba napomenuti da kartice još uvijek nije moguće zaista nabaviti u trgovinama. Prema informacijama koje smo dobili od ATI-ja te informacijama s cjenika većih online trgovina, novi Radeoni će se zaista naći na tržištu 11. rujna.

Conclusion in english

Radeon X1950 XTX (or CrossFire – both cards share same clock for GPU and memory) contrary to our expectations failed to snatch performance crown from GeForce 7950 GX2. Altough in some tests Radeon manages to outperform GX2, in general NVIDIA’s card offers better performance, especially in OpenGL games and when Transparency AA or Adaptive AA is turned on. On the other hand, ATI still has the upper hand in terms of picture quality because its cards offer invariant AF algorithm and HDR in combination with AA.

Altough we haven’t managed to overclock new ATI card, judging by various experiences which can be found surfing Internet, Radeon X1950 is not exactly brilliant in this respect. We had exactly opposite experience when GX2 was launched what leads us to conclusion that GF 7950 GX2 can offer even more raw performance to enthusiast willing to play with overclocking.

Implementation of GDDR4, new type of memory, in combination with more optimized GPU have led to overall reduction of power consumption. One more ster forward is decision to implement new reference cooler. Never the less, altough new reference cooler is better than old one found on X1900 cards, it still makes more noise under load in comparison to reference cooler on GX2. This issue is even more amplified by agressive auto-regulation of fan speed, which changes constantly depending on the complexity of the 3D scene (GPU load).

Last, but not least factor in our evaluation of new Radeon series is its price. According to Overclockers UK online store, both versions of Radeon X1950 (XTX and CrossFire) have the price of aproximately 330 english pounds (including VAT). In the same store, GeForce 7950 GX2 has a price tag of cca 370 english pounds. In combination with better image quality and solid performance (in comparison to GX2), rather low price for a high-end market segment will allow new Radeons to find their way in rigs of many gaming enthusiast. Of course, there is always the question of availabilty of new cards. Truth to said, Radeon X1950 was paper launched because cards are still not present in retail market. Offical date of arrival is September 11th, according to official statement we got from ATI and info posted on some online shops.