
Ako je suditi prema testiranom 550-vatnom modelu, Chieftec je sa serijom Nitro odradio zaista odličan posao. BPS-550C podnijelo je bez ikakvih problema opterećenje koje generira naša testna konfiguracija, pa čak i kada smo pretjerali te od napajanja zatražili snagu koja izlazi iz okvira njegovih specifikacija. Osim električkih performansi ovo se napajanje može pohvaliti atraktivnim izgledom, urednim kabelima i što je mnogima jako bitno, vrlo tihim 140-milimetarskim ventilatorom.

Obzirom na performanse i mogućnosti (tu je poseban naglasak na modularnim kabelima), cijena testiranog napajanja (560 kuna naviše u Njemačkoj, vjerojatno oko 620 kn u Hrvatskoj) vrlo je prihvatljiva. S druge strane, ono što bode u oči je jamstvo u trajanju od samo dvije godine. Tri godine su manje-više standard za high-end napajanja, a neki proizvođači nude i pet. To je ujedno i razlog zašto testiranom napajanju nismo dali nešto višu ocjenu, pa samim time i Editor’s Choice nagradu.


Judging by the tested 550-watt model, Chieftec did a really great job with Nitro series. BPS-550C has withstood the load generated by our test configuration without any problems, even when we exaggerated and requested delivery of power that goes beyond its specifications. In addition to electrical performance, this power supply boasts an attractive appearance, tidy cables, and with a very quiet 140-millimeter fan which is important for most users.

Given the performance and features (and a special emphasis goes on the modular cables), the cost of the test power (560 kunas and upward in Germany, probably around 620 kunas in Croatia) is very acceptable. In the other hand warranty is a bit low – just two years. Three years are more or less standard for high-end power supplies, and some manufacturer even offer five. It is also the reason why we haven`t given a higher grade to tested PSU, and thus it missed an Editor’s Choice Award.