Došli smo i do samog kraja ovog testa, a time i do kratke sumarizacije testiranih kartica. Krenut ćemo s karticom koja je definitivno pokazala najbolje mogućnosti – Sapphire X1600XT 256MB. X1600XT je u većini testova izašao kao pobjednik, s tim da nije zakinuta niti po pitanju overclockanja. S obzirom da se radi o kartici novije ATI-jeve arhitekture, X1600XT nije zakinut niti po pitanju podrške za SM3.0 i HDR. Negativne strane su siromašan bundle po kojem je Sapphire načelno poznat te prilično visoko zagrijavanje kartice u kombinaciji s bučnim hladnjakom. Sve u svemu, ako su vam performanse najbitnije, a ne pazite na baš svaku kunu, od testiranih kartica najbolje će vas zadovoljiti upravo Sapphireov proizvod.

Sljedeća kartica koja je po završnoj ocjeni tik do Sappirea X1600XT je Club3D 7600 GS 256MB. Club3D 7600 GS 256 MB je kartica novije generacije s dobrim performansama u odnosu na cijenu. Tu je također i vrlo dobar bundle koji dolazi s karticom, a ne treba zanemariti i činjenicu da je hlađenje implementirano vrlo solidno pa se kartice pretjerano ne grije, a niti buči. Svojevrsno iznenađenje testa su svakako performanse ove kartice na povišenim radnim taktovima na kojima 7600GS uspijeva konkurirati i overclockanom X1600XT iz Sapphireovih pogona.

Došao je red i na najstarijeg "igrača" na testu. Club3D X800RX MAX 256 MB kartica je solidnih performansi pogotovo u starijim naslovima, no u novijim naslovima kartica ne briljira i polako se vidi da ju vrijeme gazi. Ipak ovo je jedina kartica na testu koja ima 256-bitnu memorijsku sabirnicu te na taj način skriva "bore". Premda ima dobar bundle, muči je starija arhitektura, ali i prilično bučan hladnjak koji vjerojatni uzrok niskog overclocka GPU-a, tako da X800RX MAX od svih testiranih kartica prema našem mišljenju ima najmanje potencijala.

Conclusion in english

We arrived at the very end of this article so it’s time for a short summary of tested GFX cards. We will start with Sapphire X1600XT, card which showed best performance and features from all tested cards. X1600XT managed to attain first place in the majority of benchmarks and at same time managed to show some nice overclocking potential. As this card is based on new generation of ATI’s GPU, it doesn’t lack support for SM3.0 and HDR. Of course, there are some negative characteristics. Sapphire cards are pretty well know by a lack of notable bundle (only cables and drivers) and this card is not exception. Card also gets pretty hot and loud under load which shows that installed cooler could be more efficient. All in all, if you seek good performance, Sapphire X1600XT is the product to choose between all cards in our little comparison.

Card that took second place in our test is Club3D 7600 GS 256MB. Altough this card couldn’t compete with X1600XT on factory settings, it showed solid performance in comparison to its price. Some other things to note about this card is very good bundle and solid implementation of cooling. Most suprising thing we found that about this card is its overclocked performance. On higher clocks it even manages to compete with overclocked X1600XT.

Last place in this comparison is reserved for the oldest "player". Club3D X800RX MAX 256MB has solid performance, especially in older titles, but it scores low in more modern games. One thing that helps this card a lot is 256bit memory bus (all other card in test have 128bit memory bus). Without this enhancement, performance would be much lower. Altough X800RX MAX has a good bundle, it is based on older architecture which limits cards performance in modern titles. Second problem is the cooler which limits GPU overclocking and at the same time produces lots of noise.