Coolermaster je napravio solidan posao sa ovim hladnjakom klasičnog
dizajna i koncepcije izrade. Najveća zamjerka ide na automatsku kontrolu broja
okretaja i vjerujemo kako bi performanse bile puno bolje kada bi ona bila ostavljena
korisniku na izbor. No, sa povećanjem broja okretaja ventilatora raste i količina
buke koju proizvodi te je ona iznad 2000RPM već malo povišena, pa hladnjak nudi
najbolje karakteristike sa neoverclockanim procesorom, tj. performanse su
solidne uz minimalnu količinu buke. Sljedeća zamjerka ide na kvalitetu završne
obrade baze, koju će te morati samo ispolirati ako želite vrhunsku kontaktnu
površinu. Ostale karakteristike ovog hladnajka su vrlo solidne u što definitivno
spada jednostavnost montaže i robusnost mehanizma za pričvršćivanje. Završna
obrada je u CoolerMasterovom stilu – vrhunska (osim prije spomenute baze), te
se još jednom potvrđuje kako je CoolerMaster vrstan proizvođač hladnjaka za
procesore. Ukupne performanse hladnjaka i nisu nešto bajne, no vjerujemo kako
pri njegovom dizajniranju i nisu mislili na overclockere. Za njih CoolerMaster
ima drugu liniju proizvoda, koja je u stanju pružiti vrhunske performanse. U
trenutku pisanja ovog članka Susurro se još nije mogao nabaviti u Hrvatskoj, a cijena u Europi mu se kretala oko 25 € što nije puno za ono što nudi. Svi
koji žele overclockati i pri tom imati tiho računalo morati će razmisliti
o nekom drugom proizvodu, a svima ostalima preporučujemo nabavku ovoga hladnjaka.

Conclusion in english

CoolerMaster has done a good job with this cooler employing rather classical design and concept of manufacturing. Biggest flaw in our opinion is automatic
speed control of the fan. We believe that performance would be far more better if user had more control over speed of the fan. But, with increase of RPM, generated noise also increases and that is especially
noticable when speed of the fan exceeds 2000RPM. All in all, cooler gives its best with a non-overclocked
CPU offering good performance with low noise. Another flaw we have
to mention is rough finish of the base, which you will have to polish if u want a flawless contact area. All other characteristics of this
cooler are very good. Simplicity of mounting is a big plus, and solid build
of buckle. Postprocessing is CoolerMasters speciality so this cooler only proves
it (apart from the base). Overall Susurro`s performance are not so great if
you fancy overclocking, but that’s not a big problem because this cooler was not meant to be overclocker`s
best companion. For more extreme users CoolerMaster has other products which are capable of
delivering top notch performance. At this moment Susurro is not available in
Croatia, and its price in the rest of the Europe is about 25 € which is not
to much for what it offers. If you consider yourself a overclocker, you should try some other product. If not, we can only recommend
you CoolerMaster Susurro.