Novi Intelovi procesori s 1333-megahercnim FSB-om sa sobom ne donose mnogo noviteta, no istovremeno ponovo dokazuju da je Intel u ovom trenutku nepriokosoveni kralj tržišta procesora za osobna računala. Brža sabirnica u praksi ne donosi primjetan rast performansi, barem kad je riječ o aplikacijama koje se koriste na stolnim računalima ili radnim stanicama, no traži novu generaciju matičnih ploča koje podržavaju ovako brzu sabirnicu (Intel P35 čipset i derivati, nForce 680i SLI). Brža sabirnica je također problematična ako planirate overclockati svoj procesor budući da uvjetuje niži množitelj procesora što pak znači da za iskorištavanje punih mogućnosti vašeg novog Core 2 procesora morate imati zaista dobru matičnu ploču (čitaj – onu koja dopušta vrlo veliko povećavanje takta FSB-a). Ipak, nadolazeći Intelovi 45-nanometarski Core 2 procesori će također imati 1333-megahercnu sabirnicu, tako da ćemo se na nju morati navići.

Općenito, ako planirate kupiti novo računalno, novi procesori s 1333-megahercnom sabirnicom su odličan izbor, no prije kupovine na umu trebate imati dvije činjenice – 1. Intel ubrzo planira predstaviti poboljšane Core 2 procesore bazirane na 45-nanometarskom proizvodnom procesu, 2. ako planire overclockati, stariji procesori s nižom brzinom sabirnice i višim množiteljem su bolji izbor osim ako nemate zaista overclockabilnu matičnu ploču (480+ MHz FSB).

Cijena Core 2 Duo E6750 procesora u hrvatskim trgovinama je oko 1450 kn, a Core 2 Extreme QX6850 procesora oko 7300 kn.


New Intel CPUs with 1333 MHz FSB aren’t exactly ground breaking in terms of new features. On the other, they remind us once again that Intel is currently undisputed king of x86 CPU market. Faster front side bus doesn’t bring better performance, at least not in applications which are used on desktop PCs and workstations (which we used for benchmarking new CPUs). Because of faster FSB, new CPUs require new generation of motherboards which are based on new generation of Intel chipsets (P35 and derivates, X38) or nForce 680i SLI. Faster bus is also somewhat problematic in regards to overclocking because new CPUs have lower multiplier which automatically means that overclockers need motherboards with really high overclocking potential to fully exploit frequency potential. Of course, new 45nm Core 2 CPUs based on Penryn and Yorkfield cores also sport 1333 MHz FSB which means that switch to faster FSB is something that can not be avoided.

In general, if you are planning to buy a new PC, new Core 2 CPUs with 1333 MHz FSB are a great choice, but before you shell out your hard earned money, consider these two facts – 1. Intel plans to release new and faster 45nm Core 2 CPUs very soon, 2. if you are planning to overclock your CPU, older models with slower FSB and consequently higher multiplier are a better choice for this task unless you have a very overclockable motherboard (480+ MHz FSB).

Price of Core 2 Duo E6750 in croatian stores is about 1450 kn (about 200€ including VAT). Core 2 Extreme QX6850 is priced much higher – about 7300 kn (1000€ including VAT).