
Corsairov Force 3 120GB SSD je kao što smo vidjeli iznimno brz u baratanju s podacima koji se daju kompresirati, a sporiji s onima koji se ne daju. Tako je to zbog prirode rada SandForceovog kontrolera i to je nešto s čime treba računati prilikom nabavke. No, o ovome trebaju brinuti samo oni najzahtjevniji, dok će za većinu korisnika Force 3 biti odličan izbor. Cijena se ovoga SSD-a u njemačkim webshopovima kreće između 170 i 180 € (U Hrvatskoj se još ne prodaje). U odnosu na GT model koji ima brže sinkrone NAND čipove to je za oko 40-tak € jeftinije. S obzirom da i ovaj obični Force 3 ima sasvim zadovoljavajuće performanse za svakodnevni rad, GT ostavljamo kao izbor samo onim najizbirljivijima dubljega džepa. U odnosu na konkurenciju, posebice na OCZ-ov model Agility 3 koji ima identičnu konfiguraciju Force-u 3, cijena je podjednaka te u nekim slučajevima i malo viša (za oko 5 – 10 €), pa će to dodatno otežati izbor. Intelova se SSD 510 serija pokazala u većini slučajeva sporijom, a ukoliko znamo da je i do 50 € skuplja izbor je više nego jasan. Ipak, treba biti fer i napomenuti kako Intel ipak ima znatno manji broj kvarova na svojim SSD-ima od ostalih proizvođača. Što se Agility 3 SSD-a tiče, tek kada ga testiramo i sami se uvjerimo u njegove performanse, znat ćemo koji je bolji. Do tada, Force 3 i njegovih 3 godine garancije odličan su izbor za sve koji mogu iskoristiti njegovo SATA 6Gbps sučelje.


As we have seen, Corsair`s Force 3 120GB SSD is very fast in handling compressible data, while it is quite slow in dealing with uncompressible data. But that it is so because of the nature of Sand Force’s controller and it’s something which has to count in during the purchase. However, this should worry only the most demanding users, while for the majority users Force 3 will be an excellent choice. The price of this SSD in German shops ranges between 170 and 180 € (in Croatia is still not sold). Compared to the GT model which has a faster synchronous NAND chips it is about 40 € cheaper. Given that Force 3 has a very satisfactory performance for everyday tasks, the GT is left as a choice of only the most demanding users. Compared to the competition, especially on OCZ’s Agility 3 model which has an identical configuration of the Force-3, the price is equal and in some cases maybe a little higher (about 5 – 10 €), which will only complicate the choice. Intel`s SSD 510 series is shown in most cases slower, and if you know that it is up to 50 € more expensive, choice is more than clear. However, it should be fair and note that Intel does have a much smaller number of failures on their SSD`s in comparison with the competition. As far as Agility 3 is concerned, we can make a clear choice only once we test it also. Until then, Force 3 and its 3 year warranty is an excellent choice for everyone who can take advantage of its SATA 6Gbps interface.