
ECS FXM-A Black Extreme je bazirana na posljednjem AMD-ovom 990FX čipsetu. Već na prvu loptu možemo vidjeti kako je layout ploče dobro odrađen, a hlađenje je ono što se najviše ističe. Radi se o masivnom NB/VRM heatsinku koji je heatpipeom povezan sa southbridge blokom. Unatoč svojoj masivnosti, svoj posao radi slabije/lošije izvedbe regulacije napona ne odrađuje najbolje, dapače, ploča ima velikih problema sa pregrijavanjem, pogotovo prilikom overclockinga. Uz zagrijavanje, problem ove ploče leži i u BIOS-u koji je dosta nezrel i siromašan opcijama za overclocking. Također bi bilo dobro vidjeti i pokoji 3-pinski konektor za ventilator više. Po pitanju ostalih karakteristika, tu su dva gigabitna LAN porta, Bluetooth, te četiri USB3.0 porta sa dodatnim 3.5" bracketom. Ono što ne viđamo tako često na pločama, a neki će znati cijeniti je IDE konektor te PCI utor. Od ostalih sitnica tu su debug dijagnostički display i tipke za paljenje i reset. Još jedna, a vjerujemo većini korisnika, vrlo važna stavka je i sama cijena ove ploče koja iznosi čak 240$ (s PDV-om). Ono što joj definitivno ne ide u prilog je žestoka konkurencija, koja ne samo da je ozbiljnija i zrelija nego je i jeftinija, a radi se upravo o Asusovoj Crosshair V Formuli i Gigabyteovoj 990FXA-UD7 sa cijenama od 230$, odnosno 235$. 990FXM-A nije dostupna u Hrvatskoj, a nije tako česta niti na europskim cjenicima. Uzevši sve pluseve i minuse u obzir, ne samo da ne možemo dati preporuku za kupovinu ove ploče, nego ju jednostavno nema smisla uzimati u obzir pored jedne Formule ili UD7-ice koje ne samo da su bolje, opremljenije i zrelije ploče, nego su i jeftinije od ECS-ove 990FXM-A.


ECS 990FXM-A Black Extreme is based on the latest AMD’s 990FX chipset. At the first look we can see that the motherboard layout is done correctly, and the cooling is what stands out the most. Cooling system is consisted of the massive NB/VRM heatsink that is connected to southbridge heatsink with a single heatpipe. Despite its size, the problem with overheating is inevitable due to weaker voltage regulation unit, which comes to effect especially during overclocking. In addition to this, there is a problem with immature BIOS that lacks advanced overclocking options. Also, there are only three 3-pin fan headers on the board. On the positive side, we have two gigabit LAN ports, Bluetooth and four USB3.0 ports with an additional 3.5“ bracket. There is also an IDE port, as well as the PCI slot on the board that some will appreciate. In addition to this, there is a debug diagnostic display as well as the power/reset buttons onboard. One of the most important aspects is of course – the price, which is as high as 240$ (including VAT). The competition is Asus’s Crosshair V Formula and Gigabyte’s 990FXA-UD7 with prices of 230$ and 235$. 990FXM is not available in Croatia and is not so common in European shops either. Taking all the pros and cons into consideration, not only that we can’t give a recommendation for buying this board, but there are no reasons for buying this board over the Formula or UD7 which are not only better, more equipped and more mature motherboards, but are also cheaper than ECS’s 990FXM-A.