
Na test smo dobili Evercoolov Transformer 4 hladnjak. Karakterizira ga tower dizajn s četiri 8mm heatpipea s HDT tehnologijom. Također dolazi s dva 120mm PWM ventilatora koji su u svom radu relativno tihi. Po svim značajkama konkurentan je recimo Arctic Coolingovim Freezer 13, te Cooler Masterovim 212+ hladnjacima. Iako nismo imali na testu dotične, kao usporedbu, koristili smo Mux120, s kojim u usporedbi daje sasvim solidne rezultate hlađenja. Značajniji minus na koji je teško zažmiriti je problem kod instalacije na sockete 775 odnosno 1156. Izuzev toga ovo je sasvim solidan hladnjak, prihvatljive cijene (oko 35-40$ u inozemnim dućanima), no pošto se radi o starijem modelu, nismo sigurni da ćete ga naći raspoloživog.

Idući hladnjak na testu bio je Evercoolov low profile hladnjak generički nemaštovitog imena – HPL-815EP. Dolazi s 80mm PWM ventilatorom, te s četiri 6mm heatpipea s HDT tehnologijom. Namijenjen je prvenstveno za HTPC konfiguracije radi svoje iznimno niske konstrukcije. Konkurenti u njegovoj klasi bi bili Arctic Coolingov Freezer 11 LP te Scytheov Samurai ZZ. U usporedbi s Freezerom 11, ovaj daje mnogo bolje rezultate, unatoč svojim manjim dimenzijama, a to sve zahvaljujući svojoj kvalitetnoj izradi. Pozitivne strane ovog hladnjaka je kompatibilnost s velikim brojem socketa, PWM ventilator, te na šećer na kraju i sama cijena. Pošto se radi o novom modelu, ovaj ćete hladnjak moći kupiti po pristupačnoj cijeni od 25-30$ u inozemnim dućanima. Kod nas pak još nisu dostupni. U svakom slučaju uzevši sve u obzir, ovaj hladnjak svakako zaslužuje našu preporuku za svakoga tko želi malen, dobar i efektivan HTPC hladnjak.


We got Evercool’s Transformer 4 CPU cooler for the testing. It features tower design with four 8mm heatpipes with HDT technology. It also comes with two relatively quiet 120mm PWM fans. According to all the features, its main competitors are Arctic Cooling’s Freezer 13, and Cooler Master’s 212+ Plus CPU coolers. We had Thermalright’s Mux120 compared with it, and got pretty good results for a moderate overclock. Major downside of this cooler is a problem with the installation on the sockets 775 and 1156. Except that, this is a very solid product sold at a fair price (around 35-40$ in foreign shops), but since this is an older model, we’re not so sure you’ll find it still available.

Second competitor was Evercool’s low profile CPU cooler of a generic and unimaginative name – HPL-815EP. It comes with an 80mm PWM fan, and four 6mm heatpipes with HDT technology. Because of the size of it, this model is primarily intended for the HTPC setups. The main competitors are Arctic Cooling’s Freezer 11 LP and Scythe’s Samurai ZZ. Compared with the Freezer 11 LP, Evercool gives much better results, despite its small size, and all thanks to its high quality workmanship. The positive sides of these coolers are wide range of socket compatibility, PWM fan and of course the price. Since this is a new model, you’ll be able to buy this CPU cooler at an affordable price of about 25-30$ in foreign shops. However, in Croatia, it is still unavailable. In any case, this CPU cooler certainly deserves our recommendation for anyone who wants a small, good and effective HTPC cooler.