
Gigabyteov model koristimo sada već više od mjesec dana i možemo
zaključiti kako je riječ o vrlo korektnoj ploči. Performanse su solidne, overclocking
mogućnosti odlične, BIOS prepun opcija za igranje a mogućnosti za proširenja
bezbroj. Nećemo se vraćati u članak i nabrajati sve karakteristike ove ploče,
no možemo samo reći da su impresivne. Nedostatke ima (USB, SATA i sitniji
propusti u layoutu), no nisu drastični. Za oko 1200kn dobiti će te
odlčnog partnera nekom od Black Edition modela i toplo ju preporučujemo.

Foxconn ovom pločom definitivno ne cilja na isto tržište kao
i Gigabyte i s toga gledšta ovo je vrlo solidan proizvod. Nešto bolje generalne
preformanse (posebno USB, SATA) daju joj za prednost korištenja u nekakvom
računalu čiji korisnik ne teži overclockiranju. Čak možemo reći i
kako solidna integrirana grafika dozvoljava da odigrate i pokoji stariji naslov.
U Hrvatskoj ju nismo pronašli, a u SAD-u joj je cijena korektnih 125USD. Ukoliko
vas zadovoljava sve što ovaj model može pružiti zeleno svjetlo za nabavku

Uz vrlo dobre procesore, AMD i dalje nastavlja razvoj svojih
platfromi koje su generalno vrlo solidne i ne zadaju veće glavobolje korisnicima
(ukoliko zaboravimo problem sa 1333Mhz DDR3 brzinom i slabije USB performanse).
Uskoro ćemo Gigabyteov model isprobati i sa najmoćnijim Phenom II 955 procesorom
i zapravo jedva čekamo vidjeti performanse i overclocking mogućnosti toga
procesora. AMD je i definitivno ostaje odlična alternativa. Performanse su
tu, a cijena je kao i uvijek vrlo povoljna.



We are using Gigabyte`s board for over a month now, and we can
only conclude that it is a very good product. Performance are ok, overclocking
capabilities excellent, BIOS is just the way we like it and versatility is
outstanding. We won`t go back to the article and recite all the characteristics,
but we will conclude that they are impressive. It is not without flaws (poor
USB and SATA performance and minor imperfections in layout), but nothing drastic.
For around 160 € you will get a great partner for your Black Edition CPU (which
ever you choose). All in all – highly recommendable.

Foxconn`s board is not aiming at the same segment as Gigabyte`s
is and from that point of view it is a good product. Better overall performance
(especially USB and SATA) gives it an edge over UD5P in a PC who`s owner has
no overclocking desires what so ever. If your budget is very low, you can
even play some older games with integrated graphics. USA price is around 125
USD, and with accepting its OC limitations you will get a decent product.

With good CPU`s, AMD is continuing to develop its platforms
which are generally very solid despite still bad USB performance, and now
problems with memory running on 1333MHz. Soon, we will test Phenom II 955
CPU, and frankly we can`t wait to see it OC capabilities and performance.
AMD is and definitely will stay a great alternative. Performance are now decent,
and the price is great as always.