
Gigabyte je napravio jednostavnu i brzu karticu. Jednostavnu po konstrukciji a brzu zbog toga što su si dozvolili relativno visoke taktove i grafičkog procesora i memorije. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti može biti nešto jeftiniji od konkurencije, a tu ponajprije mislimo na Asusov HD7770 DirectCU TOP model. Na njemačkom je tržištu razlika u cijeni oko 10 € (150 i 160 €), pa će to možda biti prevaga kod kupaca (kod nas ih još nema). Istina, Asusovo je rješenje mrvicu tiše pa kupci zbog toga možda i neće previše gledati na tih 10 €. Dodatni overclocking Gigabyteice zadovoljio nas je samo djelomično. Slabašan rezultat za GPU, nadoknađuje brza memorija pa je u konačnici ubrzanje ipak zadovoljavajuće. Bundle nije naročit, no tako je to kod ove jeftinije serije. S obzirom da je na tržištu još uvijek prisutan HD6850 model, isplativost nabavke HD7770 je jedino dugoročna zbog poboljšanih teselacijskih performansi i GPGPU potencijala. U svakom slučaju, Gigabyte je odradio vrlo dobar posao i ova kartica našu preporuku ima. Što se CFX performansi tiče vidimo kako one nisu nimalo loše i dvije ovakve kartice s lakoćom se približavaju i malo prelaze performanse jedne HD7870 kartice.


Gigabyte has made a simple but a fast card. Simple in construction and fast because they’re allowed themselves to push a relatively high GPU and memory clocks. Because of its simplicity, it can be a bit cheaper than the competition, and by that we mean Asus`s HD7770 DirectCU TOP model. The difference on German market (they still haven`t arrived in Croatia), is about 10 € (150 € compared to 160 €), so that may be a relevant to the customer. True, the Asus`s solution is a bit quieter and overclocks better, so customers may overlook the price difference. Additional overclocking of Gigabyte`s board didn`t quite satisfy us. It makes up a weak result for the GPU, with a good one for the memory and ultimately the acceleration is still satisfactory. Bundle is not rich in any way, but that is so with cheaper cards. Given that the HD6850 is still present on the market, HD7770 acquisition is smart only on the long term due to improved tessellation performance and its higher GPGPU potential. But in any case, Gigabyte has done a very good job and this card deserves our recommendation. CFX performances are as we have seen well, and a pair of these cards can easily catch up and be slightly faster that a single HD7870.