
Danas je NAS, ako ne već u potpunosti u domaćinstvima, onda barem
u malim i srednjim tvrtkama, postao ne više komocija nego čista nužnost. Bilo
da imate malu tvrtku od 3-4 ljudi koji imaju potrebu za dijeljenjem datoteka
i nekog tipa kolaboracije ili pak ozbiljnu firmicu od desetak ljudi, NAS je
postao nešto š čime se uz pravilno IT gospodarenje mogu postići izvanredni učinci.
S druge strane, čak i iznadprosječan kućni korisnik s jasno definiranim potrebama
i ciljevima svojeg malog IT sustava može naći primjenu u ovakvim multipraktik
NAS rješenjima, pogotovo obzirom na njihovu masu, dimenziju i buku.

Ono što na prvi pogled "kopka" jest činjenica da je, obzirom na ponuđeni
hardver, NAS poprilično skup uređaj. To je istina ako zanemarite softversku
implementaciju, što je velika pogreška. U potpunosti je jasno da je za novac
kojime kupite gotov NAS moguće tržiti kud i kamo hardverski snažniju konfiguraciju,
no što onda? Ako nemate odgovarajuću tehničku naobrazbu (bilo formalnu, bilo
neformalnu) i određeni višak vremena, kupovina složenca je loš i neisplativ
potez. Ovakva "out of the box" rješenja iz tog razloga nude onima
koji žele "plug and play" metodu NAS-a sasvim zadovoljavajuću alternativu
vlastitoj hardversko softverskoj implementaciji, uz nezaobilaznu podršku proizvođača.
Zapitajte se – ima li prosječan korisnik ili mala tvrtka kriptičnog dalekoistočnjačkog
imena koja se bavi marketingom dovoljno resursa i vremena raditi takvo što u
vlastitoj izvedbi? Teško…



Today, a NAS has become a appliance adopted, if not entirely in
households than at least in small to middle companies, as an appliance that
become necessity, not a commodity. Whether you have small company with half
a dozen people that only require file sharing and some sort of collaboration,
or more IT mature company of dozen people, NAS become something that will allow
you to more efficient in terms of IT quality of service. On the other hand,
even a home user with well defined needs and requirements can find a solution
in these gadgets, especially owing to their mass, dimensions and noise they

At a glance, what bothers most is their price. Given the offered hardware basis,
it makes this type of NAS quite expensive. That stands correct, if we ignore
the software implementation, and that’s a big mistake. Without doubt, money
spent on this type of NAS solution can acquire far more advanced configuration.
But to what end? If you are not technically educated (formal or informal) and
have ample amount of time, buying DIY NAS could be a bad idea. However, this
type of "out of the box" solutions are offered to people who want
"plug and play" method of implementing NAS to their network environment,
and provide adequate alternative to DIY implementation, and in addition to that
– you have manufacturers support! It makes one wander – does an average home
user or a small company has enough resources and time to do their own NAS solution?