Eto nas i do završne riječi. MSI NX7900GT-T2D256E odlična je kartica vrhunskih performansi, koje u potpunosti opravdavaju svoju cijenu od oko 2600 kn. Karticu u prvom redu krase odlične preformanse, no i odličan overclockerski potencijal, niska razina buke i niska razina zagrijavanja, što dokazuje i hladnjak malih dimenzija i male mase. Iako je hlađenje dobro riješeno, ne možemo se oteti dojmu da bi kartica po pitanju overclockiranja bila bolja da se MSI odlučio za kakvo masivnije hlađenje. S druge strane, manji i jednostavniji hladnjak označava nosi sa sobom i manju cijenu same kartice što je za krajnjeg korisnika dosta bitno. Oni koji pak planiraju “iscijediti” karticu do kraja, su ionako navikli kupovati posebne VGA hladnjake tako da maleni tvornički hladnjak na MSI-jevoj kartici zapravo i nije toliki problem.


Conclusion in english

Finally it is time to conclude this article. MSI NX7900GT-T2D256E is a great card with top notch performance which completely justify the card’s price (about 2600 kn here in Croatia). Strong points of this card are excellent performance at stock speed, great overclocking potential, low noise and heating (rather small stock cooler further amplifies this statement). Altough stock cooler does a decent job, we have a feeling that card would be much better at overclocking if MSI decided to equip it with a bigger and more powerfull cooling solution. On the other hand, smaller and simpler stock cooler means lower price on the market and that is very important for the end-user. Anyhow, heavy enthusiast are used to buying more powerfull coolers for their VGA cards (or CPUs, for that matter), so for them smaller stock cooler really isn’t a big problem.