
Noctua je tržištu ponudila još jedan kvalitetan, moćan i tih hladnjak. Posebnost ovoga je njegova fleksibilnost za korištenje u raznolikom broju kućišta i zadovoljavanje potreba širokog kruga korisnika. Svi koji grade tihi sistem u manjem kućištu biti će zadovoljni performansama i vrlo tihim radom, a čak će i overclockeri željni izvlačenja dodatnih megahertza biti vrlo zadovoljni. Kvaliteta materijala, izrade i završne obrade, bogati bundle, fleksibilnost i performanse dakle u potpunosti zadovoljavaju. A kako je sa cijenom? Kod nas C14 još nije stigao u prodaju, a u Njemačkoj mu se cijena kreće između 70 i 80 €. Uzimajući u obzir da je za te novce moguće kupiti i D14 hladnjak, nabavku C14 preporučujemo ukoliko niste zagriženi overclocker, a treba vam dimenzijama nešto manji i u svakom slučaju znatno fleksibilniji hladnjak. D14 i dalje ima bolje performanse i pogodniji je za žešći overclocking. Jedine mane koje C14 ima su eventalni problemi s visokim PWM hladnjacima ili memorijskim heatspreaderima, te nešto pojačane vibracije koje se prenose na ploču. U svemu ostalom je gotovo besprijekoran.



Noctua has once again offered a high quality, powerful and quiet cooler on the market. The particularity of this is its flexibility for use in a diverse number of housings and meeting the needs of a wide range of users. All who are building a silent system in a smaller chassis will be very pleased with the performance and C14`s quiet operation. It will even satisfy the overclockers who want additional MHz`s out of their CPU`s. Quality materials, workmanship and finish, a rich bundle, flexibility and performance therefore are fully satisfactory. And how is the price? In our country C14 has not yet arrived, and in Germany its price ranges from 70 to 80 €. Taking into account that for the money you can buy a D14 model, C14 can be recommended if you are not a hardcore overclocker and you need a slightly smaller and much more flexible cooler. D14 still has better performance and is better suited for harder overclocking. The only problems we found with C14 are with high PWM heatsinks and memory heatspreaders, and some increased vibration that is translated on the mainboard. In everything else it is nearly perfect.