Zadnji pogled na jedan od NoiseBlocker ventilatora


Obzirom da sa NoiseBlocker ventilatorima do sada nismo imali priliku raditi, ugodno su nas iznenadili svojim tihim radom ili performansama, što vrijedi za sve testirane modele. Na žalost, prilikom kupnje moramo odabrati između tišine (serija 1) i protoka (serija 2). Sa druge strane Noctua ventilator ima malu prednost zahvaljujući dodatnoj opremi uz pomoć koje ga je moguće prilagoditi za tiši rad ili veći protok. Na istom broju okretaja su usporedivi, pa kupcima prepuštamo odluku o nabavi.


Considering that we haven’t got any experience with Noise Blocker fans, they seem to be a nice surprise regarding silent operation or performances of all tested models. Unfortunately, the choice between silence (models from series 1) and air pressure (series 2) had to be made before purchase. On the other side the Noctua fan gains a little advantage thanks to its superb bundle with which it is easy to regulate the speed and noise. On the same speed both manufacturers are alike, so we leave the final decision to buyers.