
Cijena PEAK HD 3870 512MB kartice u Hrvatskoj je 1160kn, dok
HD3850 512MB košta 970kn. Vidljivo je kako je to nešto niže od konkurencije,
a performanse su slične, naravno PEAK-u je ovo i bio cilj. Neuglednije pakiranje,
slabiji bundle i elektrolitski kondenzatori su primjeri na kojima je PEAK
uštedio kako bi korisnicima ponudio jeftiniju alternativu. Iz testa smo vidjeli
kako HD3870 donosi nešto bolji hladnjak no i slabije overclocking mogućnosti
od jeftinije HD3850. Performanse na defaultnim taktovima su slabije
za 3850, a na OC-u se taj model opasno približava OC-anoj 3870 kartici. Svima
koji traže jeftinu i brzu karticu iz HD38xx serije preporučili bi jeftiniji
model iz očitih razloga.



First thing we notice is that PEAK`s cards are cheaper than
most of the competition`s cards. We can find reasons for that in seamy packaging,
weak bundle and electrolytic capacitors rather than solid ones. For that cheaper
price we get products with similar performance as the competition has, and
PEAK definitely comes as good and cheap alternative. HD3870 is equipped with
better cooler, but also has weaker overclocking capabilities than the cheaper
HD3850 model. On the other hand, cheaper model has lower performance on default
clocks, but when overclocked, it’s very close to overclocked HD3870. Because
of those reasons we can recommend HD3850 model over HD3780 to anyone who is
searching for a cheap and good graphics card from HD38xx series.