Što reći na kraju? Testovi su pokazali da se radi o jednom “običnom” sticku koji se ne može pohvaliti posebnim performansama i nikako ga ne bi preporučili nekom profesionalom korisniku. No, s druge strane za nezahtjevne korisnike (oni su ciljano tržište za ove stickove) “kožnjak” je sasvim pristojan USB stick. Prestigio kožni disk se zaista može pohvaliti neobičnim i vrlo praktičnim dizajnom koji će zadovoljiti čak i modno najzahtjevnije korisnike. Unatoč činjenici da se na testovima nije pokazao kao izuzetno brz nama se svidio i sigurni smo da će se jedan od njih (crveni :) ) naći na ključu autorice ovih redaka.

Conclusion in English

So, what’s the verdict? Well, the tests show that these are just “ordinary” sticks that can’t really satisfy any professional users, at least performance-wise. On the other hand, less demanding users, who are the targeted audience for these products, might find their performance perfectly sufficient for everiday use. Prestigio leather drive’s main advantage compared to the competition is the unusuall and user friendly design that can satisfy eaven the most demanding users, fashion-wise speaking. Although these sticks didn’t show the best possible performance, we liked them and one of those pretties (the red one :) ) is sure to find it’s place on author’s keychain.