
XPC Barebone SH67H3 je dokaz kako Shuttle ima veliko iskustvo u proizvodnji ovakvih računala i kako to iskustvo pretaču u kvalitetne proizvode. Jedina prava mana na koju smo naišli je veliko zagrijavanje procesora pri maksimalnom opterećenju. No, to i ne treba gledati kao veliku manu jer je sistem vrlo stabilan, a pri ome i dovoljno tih. U Shuttleu su bili svjesni, a i mi smo kako većina kupaca ipak neće odabrati ovakav procesor, a oni jeftiniji će se ionako manje zagrijavati. U svemu ostalom su napravili dobar posao. Oprema je sasvim zadovoljavajuća, s čak četiri USB3.0 utora, dva eksterna eSATA utora, dva SATA 6Gbps konektora pa je jasno kako će lako zadovoljiti sadašnje i buduće potrebe svojih kupaca. Ukoliko poželite jače grafičke performanse tu je PCIe x16 slot koji prima grafičke kartice dual-slot hlađenja, a zapravo će sve ostale HTPC potrebe zadovoljiti i integrirana HD2000/3000 grafika, te moćne četriri CPU jezgre. Zvučno rješenje je solidno, mrežna povezivost osigurana je Gigabitnim LAN-om, a jedino što nedostaje za potpuni užitak je WLAN modul. On je opcionalan, i Mini PCIe Card utor na ploči spreman je za prihvat modula. Izgled i kvaliteta izrade kućišta je na visokom nivou, a dašak ekskluzivnosti svakako donosi i potpuno aluminijsko kućište. Ono je zaslužno za malu masu ali i za efikasnu odvodnju topline. Sve u svemu i ovaj je XPC pogodak u sridu i računalo koje će zadovoljiti širok broj korisnika – bilo da traže tih i brz HTPC ili računalo za svakodnevni rad s mnoštvom opcija za priključivanje uređaja različitih vrsta. Našu preporuku svakako ima, a i preporučena cijena u njemačkoj od 239 Eura je sasvim fer za ono što nudi. Nadamo se kako će uskoro doći i u hrvatske dućane.



XPC Barebone SH67H3 is a good evidence that Shuttle has extensive experience in the production of these Barebone Mini-PC`s and that they know how to transform that experience to quality products. The only real flaw which we have encountered is the heat of the i5-2500K processor at maximum load, for which the cooling system is a bit inadequate. However, that is not a major drawback because the system is very stable, and at that very quiet. The Shuttle was aware, and we are that most buyers will not choose such a powerful CPU, and that cheaper ones will produce less heat. In everything else they did a good job. The equipment is quite satisfactory, with four USB3.0 ports, two external eSATA ports, two SATA 6Gbps connectors it is clear that this XPC will easily meet current and future needs of its customers. If you want more graphics performance there is a PCIe x16 slot which receives the video card with dual-slot cooling, and all other HTPC tasks will be nicely performed by the HD2000/3000 integrated graphics, and powerful four-core CPU. ALC888 is a solid sound solution, network connectivity is provided by Gigabit LAN, and the only thing missing for a complete pleasure was the WLAN module. It is however optional, and PCIe Mini Card slot on the board is ready to accept the module. Design and quality of the case is on a high level, and an all-aluminum casing certainly brings a touch of exclusivity. It is also responsible for a small mass and serves as a great massive heatsink. All in all, this XPC will be a huge market hit because it can easily satisfy a wide number of users – whether you are looking for quiet and fast HTPC, or a computer for everyday work with a variety of options for connecting additional devices. Our recommendation is certainly there, and the suggested retail price in Germany of 239 Euros is quite fair for all what it offers. Hopefully it will soon come in Croatian stores.