
Lampica u kučištu

Datum objave 11.08.2002

Lampica u kučištu

Svi mi više manje imamo ili otvorena kučišta ili (oni ambiciozniji) prozore na
njima. Ugradnja bilo kakvog svijetla odmah diže vizualni efekt. Taj efekt ima
posebnu moč noću; cijela soba u mraku, samo svijetli katodica puniom sjajem.
Odličan prizor.Baš radi toga preporuča se, jer čete na LAN party-ima biti
glavna guba.

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Veče brzine snimanja DVD-ova

Datum objave 10.08.2002

Veče brzine snimanja DVD-ova

Nastavlja se “rat” između dva standarda snimanja DVDova. DVD+RW Alliance je u četvrtak predstavio novi standard pisanja, a za kraj godine
najavljuju uređaje i medije za 4x snimanje DVD+R i DVD+RW, koji su sadržani
u tom standardu. I druga strana, DVD Forum, najavljuje da će u trećem
kvartalu također predstaviti uređaje koji brže zapisuju podatke, ali samo na
DVD-R i to 4x, dok će DVD-RW i dalje ostati na 2x, te nove DVD-R medije
(4x). Koja korist nama od svega toga? Ako niste primjetili, cijena DVD
snimača pada iz mjeseca u mjesec, tako sada koštaju osjetno ispod 4000kn (u
Zagrebu). Također, 4x snimanje DVD medija od 4.7GB traje oko 15minuta.

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Winamp 3.0

Datum objave 10.08.2002

Winamp 3.0

I napokon je stigla finalna verzija Winampa 3.0 i spremna je za skidanje. Za sada postoji samo full verzija dotičnog, ali kažu da će biti i
manjih/okljaštrenih, baš kao i do sada. Moram priznati da mi se ne sviđa što
stari skinovi ne rade onako dobro kao na 2.x verzijama.

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Novi Detonatori!

Datum objave 10.08.2002

Novi Detonatori!

Stigli su novi službeni detonatori! Verzije: 30.82 za Win9x, 30.82 za Win2000/XP i 30.83 za WinNT4.0. Kako se priča, osjeti se razlika u brzini
na GF4 seriji (i to na bolje). Uskoro na našim download stranicama (dao Bog,
dao ti, dali svi vi meni)…

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Nove stvari iz TerraTeca

Datum objave 09.08.2002

Nove stvari iz TerraTeca

Da ne bi bilo da nešto krivo prevedem/prenesem, evo te dvije vijesti iz Terrateca u kompletu.

Prva vijest kaže

CAR 4000 – smaller and better – now available!

available! The C.A.R. 4000 is the complete digital audio centre for your Hi-
Fi rack. It combines the functionality of a digital audio recorder, a CD
and a digital jukebox for thousands of music tracks – all in one.
The compression of audio files has been a matter of interest long before the
days of Napster and similar companies. Nowadays, most users know about the
advantages of MP3 as one of the most popular audio compression formats: It
reduces the size of an audio title to 1/11 of its original size. Terra
C.A.R. 4000 now enables you to use all of the advantages of the MP3 format,
combination with your Hi-Fi equipment. C.A.R. 4000 is able to record all
signals coming from the audio inputs of your computer and other audio
equipment, and save them to the pre-installed hard disk drive. No matter if
is a tape recorder, a tuner or a microphone,
C.A.R. 4000 will digitise and save them all.
The C.A.R. 4000 brings together some of the most desirable features; Record
your Audio-CD-tracks to the built-in hard disk drive (40 GB); using the
selection function, the extensive Gracenote CDDB support allows automatic
detection of artist, title and album for indexing your music (without the
for an internet connection). The graphic display offers easy control for
convenient browsing through your favourite audio tracks. You can magnify the
display while playing your music to be able to read the information from
the room in the comfort of your arm-chair.
You can choose the format of your saved audio file; A compressed MP3 file,
an uncompressed full-quality WAV format. The choice is yours. To further
enhance the variety of audio sources you can use, a digital input for
users is also included.
Furthermore, in addition to the usual stereo line output we have also
integrated a microphone amplifier connection, an optical digital output and
configurable headphone output. Friends of mobile MP3 will also benefit from
insertion for MMC memory cards. If you want to go jogging you can use it as
gas station for your portable player and refill your memory card.
After having finished the recording, you can use the remote control
to enter information such as the artist, album and track title – just like
composing an SMS message from your mobile phone.
The integrated title database is a real feature of the product. As well as
creating all kinds of playback selection filters, you can also evaluate any,
all, tracks using a ‘personal preference’ scale from +2 (really cool)
to -2 (oh
no, not again!). Using the remote control you can put together your personal
music charts; Your own Top 100. For an easy update of your hit list, you can
use the bundled Windows application to communicate with your C.A.R. 4000
your PC. The C.A.R. 4000 can also play, for example, ordinary audio CDs, or
data CDs containing MP3 tracks. Even Winamp playlists (M3U) can be read,
and extended. Other features include an extensive timer function for
and playing, automatic signal detection (ASD) for recordings (automatically
starts recording when an audio input is detected), a configurable interface
(normal, advanced and professional settings). The C.A.R. 4000 offers all the
functions you would expect from an up-todate Hi-Fi device, including high
quality compression and a complete jukebox functionality.


Cinergy 600 TV Radio-a synergy of PC, TV and Radio

More pleasure and power for a small price! With the brand-new TerraTec
600 TV Radio, TerraTec Electronic in Nettetal, Germany, has made way for a
whole new TV experience on your PC: a razor-sharp, flicker-free picture,
genuine stereo sound, FM and RDS radio pleasure and outstanding ease of use.
Bundled software: the full version of WinDVR by Intervideo-basically
this is the internal video recorder. This Radio, TV and PC synergy will be
available as of September.
The TerraTec Cinergy 600 TV Radio performs an automatic scan of all
stations and puts together your personalized program at the click of your
mouse. The multi-station preview provides the current pictures of all
at a glance. Scale your own TV picture format-up to full-screen format. A
special software tidbit: a full version of Intervideo’s WinDVR is included.
addition to recording in VCD, SVCD and DVD, it lets you create your own
MPEG1/MPEG2 profiles. With this tool, creating your own video CD is a breeze
(burner software not included!). Furthermore, WinDVR is capable of
delayed playback, also called “Time-Shifting,” and pausing the current
broadcasts. Of course, controlling the software from the Cinergy remote
unit is also a must, and just as easy.
Cinergy software features: The recording functions let you record still
pictures, video clips or an entire evening’s program to your hard drive
for example, DivX, because the TerraTec Cinergy 600 TV Radio supports all
current audio/video codecs. A wide range of compression technologies is
available, and additional ones can be added via the Internet. Outstanding
stereo sound can be recorded in sync to the picture-or to a separate MP3
using the Musicmatch Jukebox, which is included in the package!
For a clear overview of what’s on, personalized TV program guides are
on the Internet at the click of a mouse. Needless to say, a network
isn’t required: the integrated high-speed videotext with page caching
that the latest info is always at your fingertips. Station selection, volume
recording-use the remote control for all of these functions. The remote
is easy to program and can also be used to control virtually any Windows
application! In addition to antennas, cable networks or satellite receivers,
the TerraTec Cinergy 600 TV Radio can also be used with camcorders or video
Thanks to RDS, the TerraTec Cinergy 600 TV Radio searches for, finds and
all available FM radio stations automatically. In total, up to 48 radio
stations can be programmed. Additional RDS info from broadcasting station is
provided, of course, for free. And another tasty morsel: the TerraTec
600 TV Radio makes child’s play out of scheduling to record radio programs
directly to the hard drive!


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Swiftech Waterblock/Peltier GPU

Datum objave 09.08.2002

Swiftech Waterblock/Peltier GPU

SwiftTech, firma poznata po proizvodnji hladila za CPU-e, donosi nam model i za hlađenje GPU-a. Ova verzija je vodom hlađeni 80 Watt-ni Peltier koji će ohaditi vaš GPU do smrzavajućih temperatura, što će omogućiti bolje
overcloackanje i odlične rezultate u 3DMarku. Sve to skupa donosi dan i
noć igranja u vrhunskim uvijetima (što se grafike tiče).

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WarCraft III MapHack

Datum objave 09.08.2002

WarCraft III MapHack

Od nedavno, suzne oči i ¨knedla¨ u grlu karakteriziraju izgled WarCraft III
igrača. Svi ti istinski fanovi sa nevjericom su primili vijest da se na netu
pojavila verzija maphacka. Što će reči slijedeće:
U multiplayer fajtu vi ste
visoko rankirana guba i lomite sve ispred sebe, tada naletite na nekoga tko nije
toliko vješt kao vi. Taj neko ima instaliran MapHack, te ga u ključi i vidi
cijelu mapu, tako da može bez imalo muke predvidjeti vaše poteze… Radi ovog
programa digla se velika bura i mole se svi igrači koji su odigrali sumljive
partije da pošalju replay-e na Kazne za korištenje MapHackom
biti će rigorozne: ukidnja CD-key-a , zabrane dolaska na BNet…
Ovim se programom uništavaju sve čari Mplayer igranja. Bio je tekst na
blizzardovim stranicama kako oni mogu spriječiti cheatanje kao što je dodavanje
resursa, brzina kojom se puni mana, brzina i karakteriristika jedinica, ali da
u tipu igre kao što su WarCraft III i StarCraft nije moguće spriječiti MapHack,
tj. mogučnost da se vidi mapa. Sa svakim novim patchom će se morati raditi
novi , ali to nije problem onima koji ga rade.

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CorelDRAW 11

Datum objave 09.08.2002

CorelDRAW 11

Početkom ovog mjeseca pojavila se nova verzija (11) CorelDRAW-a. Kako sam imao priliku malo ozbiljnije koristiti verzije 7 i 9, mogu reći da
je alat vrrrrlo močan i znatno jednostavniji za početnike od direktne
konkurencije. U paketu CorelDRAW® Graphic Suite 11 uključeni su CorelDRAW®
11, corel PHOTO-PAINT® 11 i Corel R.A.V.E.™ 2.

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Ati Radeon 9700 Pro

Datum objave 09.08.2002

Ati Radeon 9700 Pro

Ati je i službeno predstavio svoju novu Radeon 9700 Pro grafičku. Napisali su što će sve podržavati, ali napisali su i “očekivanu” cijenu od
US$399. Pa sad vi pričajte da je Parhelia preskupa.

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IWILL KK400 KT400 Ploča

Datum objave 08.08.2002

IWILL KK400 KT400 Ploča

  • Support AMD Duron, Athlon and Athlon XP processor
  • VIA KT400 + VT 8235 chipset
  • 100MHz/133MHz/166MHz System Bus
  • 3 DIMMs up to 3GB
  • DDR400/333/266/200 SDRAM
  • Ultra ATA 133/100/66/33
  • IDE RAID (KK400-R, KK400-RS)
  • AGP8x/4x slot
  • 5x PCI 32bit/33MHz slots
  • One Internal Serial ATA connector
  • Realtek ALC650 audio
  • Support 6 USB2.0 port (2 for FI Panel)
  • Adjustable Vcore for overclocking capability
  • Support FI Panel
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AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D recenzija

AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D recenzija

Nakon malo više od četiri mjeseca, na tržište dolaze još dva pripadnika X3D serije procesora baziranih na Zen 5 mikroarhitekturi. Kao što znamo, 9800X3D je bio prvi i najslabiji u seriji, a sada dolaze i dva jača modela - 9900X3D i 9950X3D.... Pročitaj više

Tryx Panorama SE 360 ARGB recenzija

Tryx Panorama SE 360 ARGB recenzija

Svijet se već imao prilike upoznati s Tryxovom Panoramom, AIO rješenjem u čijem je središtu zakrivljeni AMOLED ekran, na kojem se prikazuju animacije i statusne informacije poput temperature glavnom ili grafičkog procesora. Nova Panorama, n... Pročitaj više

Gigabyte Radeon RX 9070 Gaming OC recenzija

Gigabyte Radeon RX 9070 Gaming OC recenzija

Drugi "obični" RX 9070 model grafičke kartice nam stiže iz Gigabytea, i baš kao i kod XT modela, riječ je o Gaming OC izvedbi. To znači da je u klasi iznad ASUS-ovog PRIME modela kojeg smo jučer testirali, pa bi trebao biti nešto snažniji i... Pročitaj više

ASUS PRIME Radeon RX 9070 OC recenzija

ASUS PRIME Radeon RX 9070 OC recenzija

Nakon XT modela dolazi i prvi "obični" 9070 koji ima isti Navi 48 GPU, ali nešto manji broj shadera i ostalih internih komponenti. Ako je XT ušao u Ray Tracing utrku s RTX 5070 Ti, onda ovj model non-XT kartice ulazi u ring sa RTX 5070 koja... Pročitaj više

Gigabyte Radeon RX 9070 XT Gaming OC recenzija

Gigabyte Radeon RX 9070 XT Gaming OC recenzija

Nakon recenzije Asusove RX 9070 XT, vrijeme je i za Gigabyteovu. Njihova nam je stigla u Gaming OC izvedbi i naravno odmah nas izgledom podsjetila na nedavno testirane kartice iz RTX 50 serije. Gigabyte je kao i Asus ujednačio dizajn i samo... Pročitaj više

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