Gigabyteova ploča GA-P35-DQ6 na našem se testu ponijela zaista odlično. Performanse su odlične zahvaljujući podršci za 1066-megahercnu DDR2 memoriju, a ako vam to nije dosta uvijek možete overclockati što s ovom pločom zaista nije problem. Maksimalni brzina FSB-a od 525 MHz omogućit će vam da iz bilo kojeg procesora na tržištu iscjedite maksimum performansi, a uz to se nećete morati zezati s resetiranjem postavki BIOS-a s obzirom da ih Gigabyteova ploča resetira automatski u slučaju neuspjelog pokušaja overclockanja. Premda ploča podržava vrlo visoke napone na komponentama, nismo ih morali koristiti kako bi postigli maksimalni takt. Ipak, čak i da smo ih koristili problema ne bi bilo s obzirom da je cijela ploča opremljena vrlo moćnim i masivnim hlađenjem s toplovodnim cijevima. Hlađenje bi moglo stvoriti probleme pri instalaciji većih hladnjaka (mi srećom nismo imali previše problema), no to jednostavno negativan aspekt koji prati korištenje masivnog hlađenja za čipset.

S obzirom na opremu, hlađenje, performanse i mogućnosti overclockanja, Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 zaslužila je našu Editor’s Choice nagradu. Cijena ploče je u skladu s njenim mogućnostima i klasom, a kreće se između 1450 i 1500 kn.


Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 in our test showed itself exceptionally well. Thanks to support for 1066 MHz DDR2 memory, this motherboard has exceptionally good performance and if that doesn’t satiate your hunger for speed, you can always try overclocking, one more discipline in which this board excels. Maximal clock of FSB we managed to achieve with our sample was 525 MHz (F4 BIOS) and that is sufficient to push any Core 2 CPU currently on the market to its maximum. One more very useful feature in regards to overclocking is automatic reseting of BIOS setting in the case of overclocking failure. Altough many motherboards can tehnically boast with this feature, on very few it works works as intended. Despite the fact that GA-P35-DQ6 offers pretty high voltages on key components, in practice there was no need to go ballistic with those settings while still achieveing maximal overclock. Then again, even if we pushed voltages a bit higher, powerful heat-pipe based cooling implemented on the motherboard would have no problem coping with heat increase. Of course, massive chipset cooling always has one side-effect – problematic installation of larger CPU coolers. Luckily, we didn’t have too much problems with Thermaltake BigTyphoon VX, but this is only one of high-performance coolers of the market.

Considering bundle, cooling, performance and overclocking capabilites of Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6, we had no reason no to give this motherboard our Editor’s Choice award. Price of Gigabyte’s motherboard is in-line with its features, about 1450 to 1500 kn (200 to 205 € including VAT) in croatian computer shops.